Sunday, March 29, 2020

FAA Guidance On Airport Operations and Response to COVID -19

Cherry Capital Airport has received the following guidance from the FAA:

The FAA has been receiving inquiries from airports about their authority to implement a range of restrictions, changes in operations, terminal service consolidations, and other responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these inquiries reflect interest in facilitating social distancing or adapting to a reduced level of activity at the airport. The FAA’s primary concern is that federally obligated airports remain safe and open to the traveling public and aircraft. Particularly during this public health emergency, airports play an essential role in transporting medical and emergency equipment and personnel. The FAA continues to expect all airports to operate safely and stay open.  Passengers cannot be categorically refused access to air transportation.  Airlines may refuse transportation to a passenger because of a communicable disease if the passenger’s condition poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.

More details can be found at