Friday, April 10, 2020

Grand Traverse County COVID-19 Community Update - April 10, 2020

Grand Traverse County COVID-19 Community Update - April 10, 2020
As of this morning, Grand Traverse County has had 16 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. 259 people have been tested who live in Grand Traverse County. 225 cases have come back negative. 3 people have died and five people have recovered. The new case since yesterday is a man in his 70s who is now hospitalized. County health experts are still investigating, but believe he likely contracted the virus through community transmission.   

Governor Whitmer extended the Stay Home, Stay Safe order through April 30 to limit the spread of COVID-19. In addition to social distancing and safety guidelines, the order also:
  • imposes restrictions on how many people can be in stores at one time
  • prohibits vacation rentals, except to healthcare workers and first responders
  • prohibits people from traveling between two residences after today, April 10.  

Those having contact with people outside of their household are at an increased risk to either get or spread the virus. We can’t stress enough the importance of staying home and leaving home ONLY for urgent or essential needs and to limit the number of people in a household who are going to get groceries or medical supplies. 

Munson Healthcare is reporting COVID-19 testing results on its website for each of its hospitals throughout northern Michigan in the region.  

As PPE (personal protective equipment) supplies are low, usage of N95 masks should be prioritized for front line, healthcare workers and first responders. Aligning with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, the general public is advised to wear homemade face masks or face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Michigan reported 21,504 cases with 1,076 reported deaths as of this morning. This is the lowest daily increase of cases in a week and may indicate a downward trend as a result of social distancing measures. Total numbers of deaths are expected to increase for the next week.   

The United States has the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world at 467,184 as of this morning.  

For the most current, factual information, visit Grand Traverse County’s official website and Facebook page. All critical health updates come from the Grand Traverse County Health Department and Munson Healthcare and are immediately posted throughout the day along with other updates from Joint Operations Center (JOC) members. People can also sign up to receive the daily Grand Traverse County Joint Operations Center Community Update via email by filling out this form or signing up at

Grand Traverse County’s Joint Operations Center has been meeting daily to coordinate efforts and communication on the COVID-19 pandemic since Friday, March 14. Members include key community partners from health, government, first responders, education, social service and business sectors.    


The best prevention for viruses, such as influenza, the common cold or COVID-19 is to:

·  Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. If not available, use hand sanitizer.
·  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
·  Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or upper sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
·  Avoid contact with people who are sick.
·  If you are sick, stay home, and avoid contact with others.
·  Replace handshakes with a friendly wave from 6 feet away.
·  Stay at least six feet away from others when in a public setting.

Information around this outbreak is changing rapidly. The latest information is available at, at, and