Friday, April 3, 2020

Grand Traverse County COVID-19 Community Update - April 3, 2020

As of this morning, Grand Traverse County has 11 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. 205 people have been tested who live in Grand Traverse County. 145 cases have come back negative. The two new cases since yesterday include a man in his 50s with a history of domestic travel and a man in his 80s who is suspected to have contracted the virus through community transmission. Both of the new cases are hospitalized. 

Two people in Grand Traverse County who had previously tested positive are now considered to be recovered from COVID-19 and have been released from home isolation requirements based upon CDC guidance specifications. They, like everyone else, must still abide by the governor’s executive order to only be out in public for essential needs.

As numbers in northern Michigan rise, it reinforces the importance of staying home and social distancing. This includes keeping at least 6 feet away from people who you do not live with when you are outside. The goal is that COVID-positive cases and patient volume in northern Michigan remains manageable. It will be crucial to avoid complacency. If numbers are manageable it is only because of the measures that are in place. It is critical that we all stay the course! Local health experts, law enforcement officers and the prosecutor’s office are working together to support, and if necessary, enforce the governor’s Stay Home, Stay Safe order. This may include issuing fines for people who are violating the order. 

Munson Healthcare is reporting COVID-19 testing results on its website for each of its hospitals throughout northern Michigan in the region. Numbers are listed by hospital that provided service and not broken out by county of residence.   

Michigan reported 10,791 cases with 417 reported deaths as of this morning. Numbers are updated daily at 2 pm. Many have also recovered from COVID-19, but those numbers are more difficult to determine due in part to unreported mild cases. 

The United States now has the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world at 245,646 as of this morning. This is due to more testing being done in the US as the pandemic spreads throughout the country. 

For the most current, factual information, visit Grand Traverse County’s official website and Facebook page. All critical health updates come from the Grand Traverse County Health Department and Munson Healthcare and are immediately posted throughout the day along with other updates from Joint Operations Center (JOC) members. Residents are encouraged to direct their neighbors to these best information resources. The JOC is also sharing updates with traditional media for people who do not have access to digital information.

Grand Traverse County’s Joint Operations Center has been meeting daily to coordinate efforts and communication on the COVID-19 pandemic since Friday, March 14. Members include key community partners from health, government, first responders, education, social service and business sectors.    


The best prevention for viruses, such as influenza, the common cold or COVID-19 is to:

·  Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. If not available, use hand sanitizer.
·  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
·  Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or upper sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
·  Avoid contact with people who are sick.
·  If you are sick, stay home, and avoid contact with others.
·  Replace handshakes with a friendly wave from 6 feet away.
·  Stay at least six feet away from others when in a public setting.

Information around this outbreak is changing rapidly. The latest information is available at, at, and