Saturday, April 25, 2020

GT County COVID-19 Community Update 4-25-20

Grand Traverse County COVID-19 Community Update - April 25, 2020

The Grand Traverse County Health Department continues to report 19 positive cases and 5 deaths from COVID-19 in Grand Traverse County residents.

In addition to the current reporting of laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths, Grand Traverse County Health Department is now releasing probablepositive COVID-19 cases. These are not new cases and none are in danger of infecting the public.

Grand Traverse County Health Department has identified 6 probable cases through our contact tracing investigations. This means we contact each individual with confirmed COVID-19, interview them, and document where they have been and who was in close contact with them. Those in close contact with a confirmed case are considered high risk and contacted directly. The 6 probable cases are primarily the household contacts of confirmed cases who then developed symptoms. So far, these probable cases have developed symptoms while they were already in quarantine (because they are in quarantine after their house member tested positive).
Throughout this process, public health nurses work to provide needed support to individuals and families instructed to isolate or quarantine. These probable cases have been tracked since the beginning of the pandemic. The state health department will begin to report out probables statewide soon.

The Grand Traverse County Health Department understands that seeing how many additional people are likely to have COVID-19 can be concerning, but the number of confirmed cases was only telling part of our county’s local story. Michigan’s total number of confirmed cases is understood to be an undercount, something the new data will help to improve. We are doing everything we can to understand the impact of COVID-19 more fully in Grand Traverse County. 

Regionally, Munson Healthcare is reporting COVID-19 testing results onits website for each of its hospitals throughout northern Michigan. Numbers are listed by the hospital that provided service and not broken out by county of residence. Munson Healthcare numbers include all counties that they provide health care services to and are different from individual county numbers.

Michigan has reported36,641 positive cases and 3,085 deaths of COVID-19. Numbers are updated daily.

Yesterday, Governor Whitmer updated the Stay Home, Stay Safe Executive Order and extended the stay at home protocols through May 15with some adjustments to personal and business activities allowed. Traverse Connect has providedadditional details and guidance for businessespertaining to the new order, and the State FAQ for Executive Order 2020-59also helps provide more specific guidance on allowed and prohibited activities. 

Businesses and individuals can take simple steps to prepare to help with contact tracing of the virus. Best practices for businesses include keeping logs of all essential employees who enter facilities, as well as having employees keep logs of any sites they may visit during their workday. Individuals may also wish to keep notes of places they visited and any people with whom they have come in close contact. Tracking this information in a notebook or calendar could later assist health officials with tracing the exposure, given the challenge of remembering details and dates several days later. 

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives remains the most important message for residents throughout Northwest Michigan. It is important that people continue to stay home as much as possible, avoid all non-essential travel and practice social distancing when they must go out. The Grand Traverse County Health Department has developed a helpful one-page infographic about when it is safe to leave your home if you have COVID-19 or live with someone who does. 

Health clinics across the region remain open and ready to safely serve any medical need, including general health and follow-up care. When immediate medical attention is needed, know that it is safe to call 9-1-1 and access emergency services at your local hospital. Pay attention to signs and symptoms of other health issues such as heart attack or stroke and seek immediate medical attention. Access to medical care is safe and causes no additional risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Information around this outbreak is changing rapidly. Please direct your neighbors to these information resources for the most current, factual information:

Grand Traverse County’s Joint Operations Center has been meeting daily to coordinate efforts and communication on the COVID-19 pandemic since Friday, March 13. Members include key community partners from health, government, first responders, education, social service, and business sectors.    

The best prevention for viruses like COVID-19, influenza, and the common cold is to:
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. If not available, use hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or upper sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • If you are sick, stay home, and avoid contact with others.
  • Stay at least six feet away from others when in a public setting.
  • Replace handshakes with a friendly wave from 6 feet away.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has assembled a FAQ on protecting yourself from COVID-19. If you suspect that you may have contracted the virus, call your healthcare provider or the Michigan COVID-19 Hotline at 888-535-6136, seven days a week from 8 am - 5 pm.
